Music Review Magazine

Welcome! I was inspired to start an online music magazine on my way to my 8th Paul McCartney concert in October of 2014. It was only a month earlier that a very reputable friend of mine told me, "You should write for a music magazine as you are a great reviewer."

…so why not start my own? I couldn't ignore the fact that several people were telling me that this would be perfect for me, so here we go!

As of right now, my plan is to review an album every month in a two-page article that is sent out as a .doc file via email. It seemed to work well for the first issue!


01SEP2015: If you have been wondering where I've been, I will not be able to continue this project until my computer has a new hard drive. I plan to have a working computer again in the next few months...

The first issue was sent out on 27 January 2015. I look forward to working on the new issue soon! (04FEB2015)